Saturday, March 29, 2008

More inner ear issues

On the 19th I took Sydney to see the CHKD ENT department.  We spent the entire morning there cleaning her ears, meeting with Doctors and getting an XRay then meeting with the doctor again.  Sydney was a trooper.  She didn't start to complain about the long waits until the very end! The bottom line is that the doctors were most concerned about the adenoids size that they saw in the XRay, than the ear tubes idea.  So in another week, (April 3rd) she is going to go in for some surgery.  She will be getting her adenoids & tonsils out, and possibly getting ear tubes out in, but they won't know until they do the others.  So it is more along the lines of what had to happen with Emily, but the tonsils are a new thing. I am a little worried about the recovery, because of the tonsils, but hope it goes well afterwards.  She should be able to hear better because she will have better drainage.  They are not sure if she has allergies to something, or if she is just irritated sinus wise because things can't drain.  Her nose is apparently "small" 

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